Throughout the course we will use the two data sets described
The data sets can be downloaded from the Materials page.
Students in an introductory statistics class (MS212 taught by Professor John Eccleston and Dr Richard Wilson at The University of Queensland) participated in a simple experiment. The students measured their own pulse rate. They were then asked to flip a coin. If the coin came up heads, they were to run in place for one minute. Otherwise they sat without movement for one minute. Then everyone measured their pulse again. The pulse rates and other physiological and lifestyle data are given in the data table.
Variable | Explanation |
name | Name of a participant |
height | Height (cm) |
weight | Weight (kg) |
age | Age (years) |
gender | Sex (male/female) |
smokes | Regular smoker? (yes/no) |
alcohol | Regular drinker? (yes/no) |
exercise | Frequency of exercise (high/moderate/low) |
ran | Whether the student ran or sat between the first and second pulse measurements (ran/sat) |
pulse1 | First pulse measurement (rate per minute) |
pulse2 | Second pulse measurement (rate per minute) |
year | Year of the class (1993 - 1998) |
The pulse data set is available in the data folder as comma-delimited
text (extension .csv
) file pulse.csv
# note, we keep 'pulse.csv' file in 'data' directory of the project
pulse <- read_csv("data/pulse.csv", show_col_types = FALSE)
# A tibble: 110 × 13
id name height weight age gender smokes alcohol exercise ran pulse1 pulse2 year
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1993_A Bonnie 173 57 18 female no yes moderate sat 86 88 1993
2 1993_B Melanie 179 58 19 female no yes moderate ran 82 150 1993
3 1993_C Consuelo 167 62 18 female no yes high ran 96 176 1993
4 1993_D Travis 195 84 18 male no yes high sat 71 73 1993
5 1993_E Lauri 173 64 18 female no yes low sat 90 88 1993
6 1993_F George 184 74 22 male no yes low ran 78 141 1993
7 1993_G Cherry 162 57 20 female no yes moderate sat 68 72 1993
8 1993_H Francesca 169 55 18 female no yes moderate sat 71 77 1993
9 1993_I Sonja 164 56 19 female no yes high sat 68 68 1993
10 1993_J Troy 168 60 23 male no yes moderate ran 88 150 1993
# ℹ 100 more rows
This data frame contains the responses of 233 Statistics I students
at the University of Adelaide to a number of questions.
It is a slightly modified version of the survey
data from
the MASS
Variable | Explanation |
name | Name of a participant |
gender | Sex (male/female) |
span1 | Span (distance from tip of thumb to tip of little finger of spread hand) of writing hand (cm) |
span2 | Span of non-writing hand (cm) |
hand | Writing hand of student (left/right) |
fold | Fold your arms! which is on top? (right/left/neither) |
pulse | Pulse measurement (rate per minute) |
clap | Clap your hands! which is on top? (right/left/neither) |
exercise | Frequency of exercise (freq/some/none) |
smokes | How much the student smokes (heavy/regul/occas/never) |
height | Height (cm) |
m.i | whether the student expressed height in imperial (feet/inches) or metric (centimetres/metres) units. (metric/imperial) |
age | Age of the student (years) |
The survey data set is available in the data folder as
comma-delimited (.csv
) text: survey.csv
# note, we keep 'survey.csv' file in 'data' directory of the project
survey <- read_csv("data/survey.csv", show_col_types = FALSE)
# A tibble: 233 × 13
name gender span1 span2 hand fold pulse clap exercise smokes height m.i age
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 Alyson female 18.5 18 right right 92 left some never 173 metric 18.2
2 Todd male 19.5 20.5 left right 104 left none regul 178. imperial 17.6
3 Gerald male 18 13.3 right left 87 neither none occas NA <NA> 16.9
4 Robert male 18.8 18.9 right right NA neither none never 160 metric 20.3
5 Dustin male 20 20 right neither 35 right some never 165 metric 23.7
6 Abby female 18 17.7 right left 64 right some never 173. imperial 21
7 Andre male 17.7 17.7 right left 83 right freq never 183. imperial 18.8
8 Michael female 17 17.3 right right 74 right freq never 157 metric 35.8
9 Edward male 20 19.5 right right 72 right some never 175 metric 19
10 Carl male 18.5 18.5 right right 90 right some never 167 metric 22.3
# ℹ 223 more rows
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